
Aegean Cruise (Greece)

Japanese  ⇒ Sekai burarSHOT
(Digitized the film photographs taken in September 2000 with scanner)

HERMES, an Aegean cruise ship for one day cruise of the three islands in the Saronic Gulf; Aegina, Poros and Hydra island. 

Hydra island   It's said to be 'Island of Artist' since young artists come together from long ago.

View of Hydra town    Elegant houses are spreading on the hillside.

Temple of Aphaia on Aegina island

View of Aegina town

Poros island      Only 400 m between it and the Peloponnesus peninsula seen on the opposite shore

Greek folk dance show held in the ship

End of Aegean cruise.   return to countries visited

Japanese pages   Sekai burari SHOT
Photos sightseeing in Japan  Nippon burari SHOT